

Intuition can be an unfamiliar concept to some people; and yet for others it is just a way of life.  This was not a foreign concept to our ancestors as they were able to communicate through this powerful medium with no cell phones.  Tapping into our innermost potential is a way to relieve stress over having to listen to something outside of ourself as a teacher.  We are all capable of being our own teacher and have access to infinite wisdom just by learning to become quiet enough to listen to our own soul.   Our guts literally have more neurons than our brains and this is where the term “gut instinct” comes from.  Our bodies work on an energetic and electrical level which is our emotional body of wellness and our nervous system.

With proper soul guidance, you can tap into that infinite amount of source knowledge and have the peace of mind that you are doing what you were created to do.  With over 7 billions souls on this planet each with a different lens from which they view the world, each one of us has a purpose.  For some people that may mean being the best mom, the best teacher, doctor, firefighter, scientist, architect, artist, you name it.  There are enough roles to fit each soul here on Earth.

I teach holistic lifestyle coaching designed to help you tap into your own “inner knowing”. By practicing “work in” techniques,  you can learn how to quiet the monkey mind.  When you can learn to look at your thoughts no different than noticing a tree driving by but paying it no attention, you are beginning to tap into the no mind. This is the place where we can literally just let go and surrender. It’s a state free from judgement, negative thinking, or inner talk.  The mind eventually will get quiet once its been trained there is nothing to “think” about.  This is a state we can learn to access when we are feeling anxious or stressed and it will be that peace we seek during stressful times. After all we cannot control outside worldly events, but we are always in control of our reaction to seen and unseen forces.

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Michelle Oates

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